

UAM PD Officer Overrstreet, Cheri BWC 06/23/24 Assisting With Vehicle Fire At UAM [Video]

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On 06/23/2024 at around 14:49, a power disturbance occurred. Within a minute, a McGehee number called the duty phone to report that he had already called 911 to report that a downed live power line was burning between Royer and the stadium. At 14:52, a Tyler, TX number called ot report the same as I arrived on scene.

Off-duty Det. Shawn Curtis arrived to assist and blocked traffic on the North end of Scogin while I blocked the 4-way intersection by Royer and Harris Hall. Monticello Fire Department (MFD) personnel to include Fire Chief Eric Chisom was on scene at 14:55 and City of Monticello employees-to include Charlie Hammock in the minutes following. A Fireman assisted with traffic control by blocking the East side of this Harris Hall 4-way using his vehicle which had the emergency lighting activated.

MPD Dispatcher Chelsea confirmed she had reported the incident to Entergy. I provided MPD dispatch the involved vehicle license plate number but was unable to get a return at this time due to other incidents occurring simultaneously in the City.

I notified UPD Sgt. Barnes, Dean of Students Foxworth, Housing Director Williams, and spoke with Royer RD Courtney and advised it was not safe to enter Royer at this time and why. I spoke with the Boilerman Floyd Feezel to update him. He advised he would contact Entergy. The affect pole number was ENT014. The live line separated from ENT011.

To relieve Det. Curtis, I asked Mr. Hammock to relieve me and block the lanes between Royer and Harris Hall side lot. Det. Curtis advised that more lines were down back by the former Family Housing site on Stadium Drive. Once relieved, I confirmed this report and advised Floyd who was standing near Fire Chief Chisom at the time, to let Chief Chisom know these downed lines were smoking but Entergy needed to address them.

Entergy arrived on scene at 15:51. Shortly after, I updated Mrs. Julie Barnes of IT about probable electronic access control issues with Royer, Bankston, and the SSC.

Chief Kidwell advised he was on campus and would permit RD Courtney access to her Royer dorm to retrieve her animals since power would be off for an undetermined amount of time. Fire personnel had to deploy the fire hose following a tall electric fire flare that further damaged the involved vehicle and began to ignite a small adjacent tree.

The second Entergy bucket truck arrived at 16:37 and assisted the first by Royer while I continued to block the lanes of travel on Stadium Drive. Chief Kidwell met me at my location briefly for a damage report. Once I saw the Entergy employee looping up the downed lines with gloved hands, confirming they were not live, I returned to the Royer area to obtain damage pictures of the involved vehicle. Boilerman Floyd sent a photo to the duty phone of the panel indicating which buildings did and did not have power.

Meanwhile, Chief Kidwell contacted the vehicle owner. I met with the owner who allowed me to take photos of his vehicle interior. Videos taken by MFD and shared with South Ark Weather on YouTube reveal that flames ignited under the vehicle. Ash was also visible inside the car. The vehicle has disabling damage and will not be drivable. All four windows were cracked open by the driver before departing the vehicle, which would have allowed the fire hose water to enter the interior. All four tires were flat and charred. Other areas on the vehicle were charred and burnt. He replied that the lines back [at Family Housing] let go which caused the live line by Royer to let go.

There was no damage to University property except the involved pavement the fallen live line was resting on as it burned. This length of pavement serves as Royer resident parking. It runs North to South on the Royer side of Scogin across from the Cottonbowl Stadium with the pavement more severely damaged on the South or Harris Hall 4 -way intersection end. I updated Julie Barnes again around this time.

I met briefly on scene with HD Williams and Chancellor Doss ot update them. Once clear, I went to UPD to call Bankston RD Tiana Briggs who was of campus and report the situation and advised she may want ot stay in Horsfall also if the power is not restored soon due to extreme summer temperatures.

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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