
Arkansas CountyStuttgart ArkansasVideo

Stuttgart AR PD Creppel BWC 10.20.24 Suspect Hits Officer With Soda Can

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On Sunday October 20th, 2024, I (Ptl Creppel), was dispatched to the Dollar Tree to remove an individual from the property. Upon arrival, I was advised that the person that need to be removed was the individual that had just walked towards me, in which I identified as Noelani Barrett from having previous encounters.

I advised Barrett that she was no longer welcome at the business and that she needed to leave Barrett wanted to know if she could still get the merchandise that she was holding in which the manager, Tammy Smith, stated that Barrett didn’t have any money to buy the goods. I the advised Barrett multiple times to put the objects down and exit the store in which she did not.

I then advised Barrett that she could keep the items and leave the store Barrett then started walking to the front doors with her items. I then advised Barrett that she she needed to go place the items down and Barrett replied “I’m not doing that for you”. I then walked towards Barrett with my hand out instructing her to give me the items to me so i could place them on the counter.

Barrett then began walking away saying “I said that i wouldn’t do that for you”. I pleaded with Barrett multiple times to place the items down so she could leave the store and she refused ever plea. I then stated that if she did not place the items down and leave the store that she would be placed under arrest for criminal trespass. Barrett said something in the matter of “that’s not even an arresting reason”. I then advised Barrett that it was.

Barrett then began walking towards me and calmly hit me in the arm with the soda can that she was holding. I then went and grabbed the can from her hand and grabbed her wrist. Barrett the used a can of chips and a pair of socks and hit me with those objects while attempting to place her under arrest.

After taking Barrett to the ground, Barrett began saying “don’t you dare”, I will not be disrespected”. Knowing that i could not place the handcuffs on Barrett in the state that she was in, I grabbed ahold of Barrett’s arms to where she could not get out of my grip. Once Sgt. Gignac arrived, Barrett was placed under arrest.

Knowing that Barrett is mentally deficit, I kow that the felony charge of Battery II would not get her the help she actually needs. Contact was made with the adoptive parents of Barrett which said that they will try and get Barrett the help she needs.

Barrett was citied for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct with citation number S023959 and given a hard copy of a criminal trespass for Dollar Tree.

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