
Phillips County Arkansas

Phillips County AR Sheriff Deputy MCGEE BWC 03/20/24 Investigating Shots Fired In Oneida Area

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On 3-20-2024 at about 9:30 PM Phillips County Deputies were called to a disturbance involving a firearm at a business in the Counties Oneida area. As deputies arrived on the location, a male subject exited the business and fired 3 rounds from the firearm at a responding deputy.

A call out of off-duty deputies was made and a perimeter was established. As the perimeter was tightened, the suspect was located at his residence on address redacted. Arkansas State Police had been notified and responded to assist with the deputies. Many attempts were made for the subject to drop the firearm he had in his possession but he refused and made many threats to Law Enforcement if they approached him.

The subject was distracted long enough enabling law enforcement to move into position, deploy a taser, and take him into custody without further incident. Subject was identified as Willie Chairs and his first appearance before a Judge resulted in a bond of $150,000.00. Chairs is currently being held in the Phillips County Detention Center

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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