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Lake Village Arkansas Police Officer Awarded Letter Of Commendation Lifesaving Achievement Award After Saving Resident & Police Officers From Burning Building – [Video]

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At tonight’s Lake Village Arkansas city council meeting interim police chief Percy Wilburn read a Letter Of Commendation Life Saving award to the council and Facebook live viewers.

The Lake Village Police Department believes in the recognition of Officers, their actions and outstanding efforts in service to the community and their fellow officers. In keeping with this belief, The City of Lake Village and the Lake Village Police Department recognize Officer Toney for her outstanding efforts that occurred September 8, 2023.

On Friday September 8th, 2023 at approximately 6:20 pm, Patrol Officer Toney and Senior Corporal, Wrzesinski were dispatched to the block of 920 Mulberry St apartment F2 in reference to a Medical Alert Alarm.

Upon arrival, the apartment was full of smoke. After dispatching the Lake Village Fire Department, entry was made to try to locate the caller, Alice Allen.

The smoke was so thick and black that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, even with a flashlight. Both Senior Wrzesinski and Patrol Officer Toney entered the apartment several times trying to locate Ms. Allen.

The smoke overcome Senior Corporal Wrzesinski to the point his vision was affected, and he had to step out to maintain his breath. Patrol officer Toney grabbed Ms. Allen and started dragging her towards the door.

Patrol Officer Toney’s quick response and recognition of the severity of the emergency, qualifies her for the Life Saving Award presented by the City of Lake Village and Lake Village Police Department.

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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