
Desha County ArkPolice /Legal

Desha County Arkansas Sheriff Department Investigating Cutting Machine Incident Leaves On Person Deceased

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On Tuesday, April 16th at 8:08 a.m. the Desha County Sheriff’s received a call from Bolivar County Mississippi regarding a 911 call received by them from a logging operation on Big Island, saying two subjects had been badly injured by a cutting machine. Big Island is located in a rural part of Northern Desha County, situated on the White and Mississippi Rivers.

Desha County Deputies responded, along with an Arkansas County Deputy, and an ambulance from DeWitt.

Upon arrival it was discovered that one subject was deceased, while the other subject was badly injured. He was transported to the UAMS Hospital in Little Rock. Both subjects were employees of the logging company, based out of Mississippi.

The Desha County Criminal Investigation Division is investigating the incident.

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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