Codeman Electrical Solutions LLC has teamed up with the office of Emergency Services of Jefferson County in order to restore/maintain the Emergency sirens of Jefferson County.
We have began diagnosing the Sirens in Redfield, and will work our way down thru Jefferson, to White Hall, and so on. Last week in the attempt to get several up and operational in Redfield, we did experience some malfunctioning with a couple of the sirens. Don’t panic, there is a weekly test done every Wednesday at noon, but there is a possibility of the sirens sounding off at various times in attempt to reach communication with the siren.
We hope to restore all of the surrounding sirens in our area in the event of bad weather so that they are operational. We are aware there are quite a number of sirens that are not operational at all at this time. Please stay tuned into local news in the event of bad weather to be informed as much as possible. If anyone has any issues/concerns with a siren in their area please feel free to give us at call at (870)671-0701 or (870)939-7931 Stay Weather Aware!