

2024 Drew County Arkansas Fair Homestead Family Of The Year Goes To Terry Koone Family

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Terry and Jackie Koone, moved to Drew County in 1981. They have 2 children Kristen & Steven Koone. They have 3 grandchildren, Brayden Bussell, Madison Bussell & Beckett Koone.

They raise Nigerian Dwarf, Toggenburg and Alpine goats. They work closely with the Drew Central FFA and other youth from the community. Terry sells the offspring and milk. With the goat milk they make homemade lye soap. They participate at the local farmers market “market in the park”. Jackie retired from the Monticello School District after 35 years of teaching. She has a bakery business, “The Wooden Spoon” and makes a wide variety of cakes, pies, cookies and a wide range of other deserts.

The farm name is “Just Another Kid”. They have raised dairy goats for the last 10 years.

Terry is a retired Farm Bureau Insurance adjuster after 35 years. Terry has also started an apiary. He is becoming known for catching swarms, cutouts and trap outs. He has begun to accumulate several hives and hopes to be able to sell the honey. The name of his bee business is: Bee-Ware T”n”J Honey.

The farm name is “Just Another Kid”. They have raised dairy goats for the last 10 years.
They raise Nigerian Dwarf, Toggenburg and Alpine goats. They work closely with the Drew Central FFA and other youth from the community.

Terry sells the offspring and milk. With the goat milk they make homemade lye soap. They participate at the local farmers market “market in the park”.

Jackie retired from the Monticello School District after 35 years of teaching. She has a bakery business, “The Wooden Spoon” and makes a wide variety of cakes, pies, cookies and a wide range of other deserts.

Terry is a retired Farm Bureau Insurance adjuster after 35 years. Terry has also started an apiary. He is becoming known for catching swarms, cutouts and trap outs. He has begun to accumulate several hives and hopes to be able to sell the honey. The name of his bee business is:
Bee-Ware T”n”J Honey.

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