

Monticello AR School District Superintendent Issues Press Release About September 18th 2024 Threat [Rumor]

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I am writing to inform you that no threat has been made toward Monticello High School or any other Monticello school. Today’s rumor is based on a dream an adult had about a fight and a shooting. The rumor was communicated to students, and the rumor grew from the dream. A fight did occur at MHS between two students and was quickly contained and appropriate action was taken in regards to the fight. At no time, were threats made. Please know that a thorough investigation has been conducted by school administrators and SROs.

I would like to stress that no threats were made toward any Monticello School, student, or staff member. The safety and well-being of all Monticello students and staff is our Number One Priority.

I also want to remind you, that any threats to our school or students are taken very seriously and are investigated thoroughly. Terroristic threats are considered Class A student conduct offenses. Penalties can range from detention to dismissal with the possibility of arrest and serious criminal charges. Also, please make your student aware that reposting a threat is as good as making the threat itself and contributes to prolonging the event.

We appreciate your help as we work together to keep all of our students safe and help them make positive choices for themselves and our community.

I would like to thank the Monticello SROs and MHS Administrators for the timely action taken to investigate this situation.


Sandra Lanehart

Monticello Superintendent

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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