

Minor Vehicle Accident At Intersection Of N Hyatt & W McCloy St – Tuesday February 11th

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On 02/11/2025 at approximately 9:15 am. Officer’s were dispatched to the intersection of North Hyatt Street and West McCloy Street for a minor two vehicle accident.

Upon arrival, Officer Parker Carter spoke with a witness and driver of vehicle 1 that stated Driver 1 was traveling Northbound on North Hyatt Street when she stated that she tried to brake but her vehicle did not stop.

This caused Driver 1 to make contact with Driver 2 who was traveling Westbound on West McCloy Street attempting to turn left onto North Hyatt Street. Driver 1 made contact with her front driver side bumper into Driver 2’s driver side door area causing damage to both vehicles.

Driver 2’s driver side door was pried open by The Monticello Fire & Rescue due to damage caused by the accident.

Driver 1 was checked by EMS on scene and refused treatment. Driver 2 along with two of the three passengers were transported to Baptist Health Hospital in Monticello, AR.

Wesley is the owner of South Ark™, South Ark Weather, LLC which owns and operates southarkdaily.com You may contact him at wesley@searkweather.com

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