
Desha County ArkMugshotsPolice /Legal

Green Chevrolet Camaro Driving Fast On US HWY 65 North Near Mitchellville AR Lands 4 A Trip To Jail

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On November 29th 2024 at 5:34 p.m. Deputy Eric Armstrong attempted to stop a green Chevrolet Camaro on U.S. Highway 65 north near Mitchellville, that was driving dangerously fast. After a brief pursuit, Deputy Armstrong got the vehicle stopped, and was assisted by Deputy Wayn’a Green.

The stop lead to the eventual arrests of all four occupants, and the seizure of 30 grams of Methamphetamine, glass Meth pipes, Hydrocodone pills, Ecstasy pills, scales, over $9,000 in cash, and one shiny green Camaro.

We will not tolerate people using and selling drugs in Desha County. If you have a drug addiction, please seek help, before you end up in the department of corrections. We have measures in place that can assist you in getting help. If you sell drugs, we are coming after you, your cash, and your shiny cars!

We are thankful for our relationship with the 10th District Drug Task Force, and together, we are making our County safer.


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