The Delta Justice Center will host a criminal record sealing advice and document preparation clinic in
honor of pro bono week. This free event will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Monticello Branch Library at 114 W. Jefferson Ave.
Pro Bono Week promotes and supports the work of lawyers who volunteer their services for free to people and organizations who couldn’t otherwise afford legal advice. The national celebration of pro bono is held the last week of October each year.
Appointments will be limited and registration is required for participants so eligibility to seal records can be evaluated. To sign up, visit https://forms.gle/s5wqrWgffGuDKZCD8
Partners for this clinic include the Monticello Branch Library and the Drew County NAACP Legal Redress Committee. Attorneys who would like to volunteer can contact Attorney Tabitha Lee for more information.
Under current Arkansas law, certain criminal records can be sealed by the judicial process including arrests, dismissals, nolle prosses (non-prosecuted cases), acquittals, most misdemeanors, and up to two (2) felony convictions with probation or prison sentences. A criminal record does not need to be sealed to register to vote after the completion of a felony sentence.
Criminal records – even dismissed charges – can affect entire communities by preventing access to a basic cost of living because it can result in discretionary ineligibility for jobs. Sealing criminal records provides access to a higher standard of living through better jobs, housing, and education. Sign up today to receive free legal services through this special event.
Contact :
Tabitha Lee, Delta Justice Center, (318) 538-1198 (call/text), Tabitha.Lee@arkansaslaw.org
Shannon Rodriguez, Manager, Monticello Branch Library, (870) 367-8583, monticello@searlibrary.com,
Jerome Pace, Chair, Drew County NAACP Legal Redress Committee, naacp6042@gmail.com,