

Arkansas State Broadband Map Improved

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If you are not satisfied with your internet service provider and suspect that you are not receiving the internet service you are paying for, you can now take action.

The Arkansas Broadband Challenge Map is now available, and you must take the test on at least three different days before April 19th to submit the results.

The map can be accessed through this link: https://register.broadband.arkansas.gov/. The State Broadband Office is encouraging everyone to review the data for their address to ensure its accuracy.

To do this, simply click on the “Start the Test” button on the homepage and follow the instructions. You will need to know the upload and download speeds that your provider claims to offer you. You can perform the test at your home or your business.

The tentative timeline for Arkansas’ BEAD mapping challenge process is below (timeline may be adjusted due to volume of challenges):

  • March 12, 2024: New state broadband map released; user guide and resources posted online; challenge portal registration begins
  • March 20, 2024: Challenge portal opens; challenges accepted for 30 days
  • April 19, 2024: Challenge rebuttals accepted for 30 days
  • May 19, 2024: Challenge adjudication begins
  • June 17, 2024: Challenge process concludes
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